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Your invitation to a FREE live full face yoga workout!

Do you fancy trying out a live Luminous Face Yoga class, completely free? Resident face yoga teacher, Ross Duttson will be delivering a FULL FACE WORKOUT live, on zoom, this Sunday morning, 9.30am GMT. If you have been curious about face yoga, or a Luminous membership for a while, now is your chance to try us out, completely free! Ross will take your faces through their paces with a workout that will smooth, sculpt, lift, tighten and brighten your whole face and neck. He will use a combination of techniques including face exercise, face massage and relaxation. He will also be offering you an amazing treat of 20% off Luminous membership, with his code ROSSSENTME. What do I need to join this class? Smart phone or computer – the class is delivered via Zoom Clean hands – always have clean hands when you touch your face (clean, make up free face is also ideal but not essential) A facial oil or moisturiser – this helps your hands glide for the massage techniques A mirror – ideally you would have a mirror so you can check the positioning of your hands during poses and ensure you are keeping your facial muscles relaxed Comfortable surroundings – you can do face yoga standing, sitting on a comfortable chair, or on a yoga mat We can’t wait for you to discover the power of face yoga, click here to register your place!