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Corporate Face Yoga

Our corporate memberships and wellness packages are the perfect benefit for your employees

Corporate wellness packages and membership with Luminous Face Yoga

Face Yoga is an excellent way to enhance your employees sense of wellbeing.

Aside from the obvious physical benefits to face yoga, the techniques we use promote:

  • Mindfulness
  • Relaxation
  • Raised self-esteem
  • Significant tension release

At Luminous, we also combine face yoga with a range of techniques, advice and practices that complement the face yoga teaching, such as sophrology, acupressure and stretching.

Corporate membership is an excellent way to give back to your employees as well as increasing productivity by enhancing their physical and mental wellbeing.

We offer a range of packages which can include a mixture of ‘in person’ group employee sessions and access to our online resource of digital content and zoom lives.

Our packages are bespoke to your requirements, and scaled according to the number of employees accessing the content and training.

Companies and organisations we have worked with include Salesforce, PRAI Skincare, Shiseido, The Retail Trust, The NHS and many more!

Why not get in touch today to find out more? Contact Philippa Mitchell on philippa@luminousfaceyoga.com

corporate face yoga