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Does it work?

We combine face exercise, face massage, face acupressure and face relaxation to give safe, anti-ageing results. Just as our body needs regular exercise to stay toned and firm, so too do the muscles in our face and neck; if these muscles are lifted and firmed, the skin attached to these muscles is also lifted and tightened, which irons out those fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your face feeling healthy and radiant.

How face yoga works

Face Yoga works all three layers of the skin which increases blood circulation. This in turn nourishes, and brings more oxygen to the upper layer of skin, leaving you with a glowing and healthy complexion. We teach you massage techniques to stimulate the production of the collagen and elastin, and to also improve lymphatic drainage, helping to remove toxins and excess fluid from your face and neck. All your face yoga questions answered!

Keep scrolling for our gallery of Before and After photos!

How regularly do I need to do Face Yoga?

We suggest you try to do about 10 minutes of Face Yoga 6 days a week – consistency is key for achieving the best results; however, we understand this isn’t always possible so do what you can – the results will just take longer.

How quickly will I see results

If you learn to be conscious of how you are using your face, and correct bad habits using face yoga techniques, you will see and feel some difference straight away. Your muscles will also feel they have had a work out and your face will look more energised and glowing.

Results timeline

Don't just take out word for it...

You may be interested to read some scientific studies that evidence the fact that regular facial exercise and facial massage really do make you face appear more youthful, less lined and with an improved complexion. You can read these studies here and here.

Before and after gallery

Before set 1 after set 1
before and after face yoga before and after face yoga
before face yoga face yoga progress
forehead lines before face yoga forehead lines after face yoga
marionette lines marionette lines
face yoga progress picture face yoga eyes progress picture

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