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Five minutes with Chloe Luxton, Founder of Bramley

Chloe Luxton Bramley

Chloë Luxton is the Founder of Bramley, a beautiful British product range inspired by nature and the British countryside.

After training at Cowshed, she founded Bramley when her husband was in need of British-made products for his Wiltshire pub, The Beckford Arms, back in 2009. Her products became highly desired and today Bramley products can be found on bathroom shelves everywhere from The National Trust to The Pig. We caught up with Chloe to learn more about the ethos and philosophy of Bramley and how Chloe came to make it into the wonderful brand it is today.

Tell us a bit about your career and life before Bramley…

I have always been interested in retail and did a week’s work experience in Benetton when I was 16 — which not only taught me how to fold jumpers, but also that I loved the thrill of a sale! After university I got a job on the shop floor at my favourite retailer, Paperchase, and gradually worked my way up to Head Office. I spent 4 fabulous years at Paperchase and then went on to Cowshed, where I was thrown into the deep end and learnt all about essential oils and hotels. It was at Cowshed that I met my husband, Charlie, who was the Ops Director for Soho House.

We heard that your range began purely as wanting to create the perfect products for the rooms in your pub! Tell us a bit more about how Bramley began?

It did! It was always Charlie’s dream to find his own pub and so when The Beckford Arms in Wiltshire came up for sale, he jumped at the chance. The pub had 8 bedrooms above it and I decided it was the perfect opportunity to create our own bath & body range.

Your products smell absolutely fantastic- tell us more about your ethos and philosophy behind the ingredients you use…

Bramley products

Thank you. It was really important to me that the products were the best that they could possibly be, so instead of deciding on a fragrance and rolling that out across the range, I decided that I wanted each product to have unique ingredients tailored to its usage. This means that each product has a unique blend of essential oils with a have a citrus base that ties them together as a range. For instance, the shampoo contains rosemary & lemon essential oils, because these are great cleansers, and the hand wash contains lavender which is renowned for its antibacterial qualities.

What is your best seller and what is your personal favourite product?

Our bestseller has always been our Hand Wash. I think this is because it’s the product that gets used most as it’s found in quite a few loos around the country! It also has the most amazing fragrance. I do find it hard to choose a personal favourite because it does change — currently it’s our brand new Little B Hand Wash, it’s meant for children but the sweet orange fragrance is just gorgeous.

What would you say has been your biggest challenge in developing Bramley into the brand it is today?

Initially it was about educating people on the importance of natural products and the benefits of essential oils, but times have moved on and the public are much more aware of what they put on their skin. Now I think it’s about keeping the brand fresh and our customers engaged, we’re lucky that with social media we can do that continuously.

What have you enjoyed the most about developing Bramley and what do you feel is your most proud moment?

I have to say I have loved pretty much everything whilst I’ve developed Bramley and I realise I am so lucky to be able to say that. We have had a few hairy moments where we over ordered and worried we wouldn’t be able to pay the bills but we managed to get through it by the skin of our teeth! I feel proud every day and I genuinely do a little dance every time an order comes in!

How do you find a good work life balance?

I think that’s probably the biggest challenge I face. I have three small children (aged 9, 7 & 5), so I work around the school day and every Thursday Charlie does the school run and that means I get a full day in the office. I love being a mother and I love my job too, so it’s a matter of juggling and trying to keep everyone happy. Luckily I have some help at home so I don’t have to worry about the washing or the ironing because I think that might just tip me over the edge!

What is the best piece of beauty or wellness advice you’ve ever received?

trees countrysideDrink plenty of water and when you can, get outside!
I feel happier when the sun is shining. Many of us spend a lot of our time in a stuffy office, it has become a rare deal to go out and spend some time with nature. Research shows that getting fresh air affects the levels of serotonin that make us feel good about ourselves. Feeling positive about your mental health is so important.

Have you ever heard of or practiced face yoga?!

I love yoga and practiced it on and off for years but I have to say I have never tried face yoga. I’ve heard of it but didn’t know where to start until I started following Luminous Facial Yoga. I definitely need it and I’m really enjoying it.

What’s next for Bramley?

Not ones to rest on our laurels, we’ve got lots of exciting plans for the next 12 months, first up is our Little B children’s range launch. I’m incredibly proud of it and can’t wait to share it.

We are delighted to announce we will be offering a 20% discount on all Bramley products next month for our members…so if you’re not yet a member, join us for just £29.99 per year and gain access to curated face exercise and face massage tutorials and so much more! Read all about our membership here.