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Gnocci with spring vegetables and beurre blanc


  • 2 packs of ready made gnocci
  • Bunch asparagus spears, stalks finely sliced into rounds and tips left whole
  • 100g of peas (defrost if frozen)
  • For the beurre blanc:
  • 40g white wine vinegar
  • 10g white wine
  • 2 black peppercorns
  • 1 shallot
  • Splash double cream
  • 120g unsalted butter
  • 1tsp white balsamic vinegar

Spring is here….except it’s not! The daffodils are emerging, blossom is peeping out of its buds and yet, here in the UK, snow is still falling this week!!

This recipe is the PERFECT comforting dish to remind you that Spring is on the way, whilst giving you the comfort food your body craves in the cold weather. This recipe was designed by chef, Ben Waugh, although he makes his own gnocci and we have cheated with shop bought gnocci! Serves 4


  1. To make the beurre blanc, put the vinegar, wine, peppercorns and shallot in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Cook for 6-8 minutes until the liquid has reduced until there’s only around 2 tsp liquid left, then strain into a small pan.

  2. Add a splash of cream to the vinegar reduction and put over a medium heat. Begin adding the butter a little at a time, continuously stirring to help it emulsify. Once all the butter is added, season with the white balsamic vinegar and a pinch of salt. Keep warm over a very low heat.

  3. Cook the gnocci according to instructions on the packet

  4. Meanwhile, add the peas and asparagus to the beurre blanc to warm through. To serve, drain the gnocchi, then add to the beurre blanc, tossing to coat. Divide the gnocchi among serving dishes, arranging the peas and asparagus on top.