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Jeanie’s top 5 top tips for party skin…

1) Exfoliate!

Your chosen method of such (scrub, enzymatic, acids) and strength of formula will dictate how often is right for your skin but do it regularly and consistently. Get all that dull (and sometimes toxic!) debris off the surface to stimulate fresh cell renewal and to get optimum results from your serums and moisturisers.

2) Masques

At this time of year, a masque is a great plan! Get some antioxidants onto those surface layers or some rehydration. Look for multivitamin formulas for antioxidants Hya luronic Acid for skin brightening. Leave sheet masques on for their recommended time to smooth and rehydrate. They always work their magic best after exfoliation. 

3) Five mins of facial massage

Try and incorporate five minutes of facial massage as you apply your serums, moisturise or eye product. Party season can bring toxic overload and tiredness, which leads to puffiness and sallow skin. A little massage around the eyes and jawline especially can get those toxins moving and drained out to the lymph nodes. Pinch and drain, lift and drain either before or during your party moisturising phase.

4) Do your skin routine early evening

If it’s not a party night, do your skin routine as early in the evening as you can: like when you walk in the door/whilst children in the bath/ as soon as you get your first five mins. Skin regenerates and restores best between 7 and 11pm so removing the days toxin build up of sweat, pollution, UV, makeup, dead cells etc and rebalancing and rehydrating it early is key. Especially if it’s party night the next night (Now would also be the best night for exfoliating, masque and massage).

5) Water!

The old detox-whilst-you-retox of old. Although there is actually no proven link between the amount of water you drink and the hydration levels in your skin, it is vital for cleansing and detoxifying all your lovely systems and pushing the debris and waste through. This ensures less puffiness, fresher skin (especially in the delicate areas of thinner skin) and reduces that sallow tone you can get when you have had excess. Two litres is great but one glass of water for every alcoholic drink is helpful too.