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blood circulation


5 ways to increase blood circulation around the face

Why is it important to get the blood flowing around your face and to the skin and muscles? Blood contains Oxygen and vital nutrients that the skin and muscles need in order to function well and achieve that fabulous ‘glow’ we’re all looking for. When blood flows to the surface of the face, we are quite literally feeding it with all the goodness it needs to look and feel super healthy. So how can you increase blood circulation to the face? Here are 5 easy ways that you can incorporate into your daily routine:
  • Regular exercise – increased heart rate increases blood flow to the skin
  • Eat your greens – fiber rich foods are ideal for blood circulation and also contain the vital anti-oxidants your skin needs to battle toxins
  • Drink plenty of water – not only does this hydrate your cells and remove toxins, but it also helps your body absorb nutrients better
  • Cold showers – bbbrrrrr! Cold water is excellent for making the blood pump faster as it shocks the system
  • Face massage – this is a MUST and so easy to do a little each day. Whether you just use your hands or a face tool such as Gua Sha or face brushes, face massage not only helps rid the face of toxins, but it also gets the blood pumping to the surface.
Luminous Face Yoga six week face massage courses (both with tools and without) to teach you how to make face massage a seamless part of your beauty routine. Learn more about face yoga benefits and check out our amazing member results here.