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5 Minutes with Author and Skincare Guru Bharti Vyas…

Bharti VyasBharti Vyas is a name that has been synonymous with holistic health and beauty since she launched her Marylebone salon in the 1980’s – Bharti is an innovator and a true believer ‘beauty on the outside begins on the inside.  Bharti has written over 8 books on the Ayurveda approach to beauty and regularly features on radio and television, she is also the skincare consultant for Tesco that helped to develop their highly acclaimed ‘Skin Wisdom’ range.

To learn more about Bharti Vyas’s treatments and products visit www.bharti-vyas.com 

Your core principal is ‘beauty on the outside begins within’; tell us more about what guided you towards this belief?

I guess because I am of Indian heritage and being bought up around Ayurveda (Indian medical health system), I have been conditioned from an early age to look at what is going on inside my body first and treat the source of my problem, only then will you see the benefits outside. For example, if we had headaches as children, my mother would get us to fast; Ayurveda believes that the source of a lot of our outer problems is to do with our gut health and if the body is full of toxins, it can have a knock on effect on our energy levels, moods, stress levels and our skin.

Back in the 80’s when I decided to go into beauty, I always knew that is how I would approach it, 1. it was all I knew and 2. I knew it would make a difference, that way I know I would achieve great results for my clients. To this day, some 35 years later I make it my business to update my skills to build on my initial studies of aromatherapy, Ayurvedic wellbeing, magnet therapy, acupuncture and laser therapy. What continues to guide me is my 100% passion for the work I do.

You talk about the importance of energy flow around the body, an idea which is far more common in Eastern therapies, but rapidly gaining traction in the West- can you tell us more about this idea?

Both Ayurveda and acupuncture believe in the concept of the inner body working as one – so in order to maintain homoeostasis or balance in the body is by treating it as one. Every cell in our body works on a magnetic field; it creates an energy flow through the whole system. If one area is blocked then it puts pressure on other bodily functions which can cause imbalance or disease. Many Eastern therapies like acupuncture, aromatherapy and Ayurveda focus on helping to keep the mind, body and spirit healthy as this will have a positive effect on the whole body, your health and your well being and this results in healthy skin and hair.

One of the treatments you offer at your Marylebone clinic is hypnotherapy, how does this compliment more conventional beauty treatments?

My daughter, Priti is a cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist and has been working alongside me for over 30 years. More and more clients were coming to the salon with stress related anxiety, sleeplessness and experiencing lack of focus. Our therapies help balance the body and provide a truly holistic experience. Cognitive hypnotherapy incorporates. traditional hypnotherapy, mindfulness and meditation. We aim to give clients skills and knowledge that they can take away and incorporate in their own lives which complements my own philosophy of giving clients control of their well being and beauty. So far, clients have greatly benefitted from it and we aim to continue being a client centred therapy centre

You have a wide range of products, which is your personal favourite that you couldn’t live without?

I have two favourites!! My special Oil and Face & Neck Polisher. The polisher came about when I suffered a lot with hyper pigmentation and acne scarring, and I found the daily polishing really helped my skin. The walnut shavings gently exfoliated and cleansed my skin but also stimulated circulation and left it feeling fresh and the scarring and hyper pigmentation started to fade. This was helped by my Special oil, which contains Rosehip, argan and hemp oil. It’s ultra gentle and can be used as a night time instead of a moisturiser. Recently I have added saffron oil to it, just to help give skin that vibrant healthy glow. Not to mention how divine it smells it helps to aid a peaceful sleep!

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