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autumn leaves


Autumn Equinox – a time for release and thankfulness

”Autumn Equinox occurs as we have equal day and night and the Sun leaves earthy Virgo and enters airy and Venusian Libra. As we are shifting seasons, the energetic fields are shifting. In the north we are going into Autumn and a time to release and shed, being grateful for all that has grown since Spring. It is a time of completion going forward.” Much as it’s sad to say goodbye to summer, (especially when sunny weather was in short supply), we undeniably adore Autumn…the changing colour of the leaves, the nip in the air, bonfire night, Halloween and all the cosy comforts Autumn has to offer always feels like a new beginning. Today we’ll be heading out into nature, making a big batch of squash soup and lighting some candles… How will you celebrate the Autumn equinox? .